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आप डूुबलिकेट वेबसाइट से बचे दुनिया का एकमात्र वेबसाइट यही है Bharati Bhawan और ये आपको पैसे पेमेंट करने को कभी नहीं बोलते है क्योंकि यहाँ सब के सब सामग्री फ्री में उपलब्ध कराया जाता है धन्यवाद !

Bihar Board Class 10th English | Comprehension | UNSEEN POEM (STANZA) | Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below

Bihar Board Class 10th English | Comprehension | UNSEEN POEM (STANZA) | Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below
Read the following poem carefully and answer the questions given below:
1. Behold her, single in the field 
You solitary Highland Lass! 
Reaping and singing by herself; 
Stop here, or gently pass! 
Alone she cuts and binding grain. 
And sings a melancholy strain; 
O listen! for the Vale profound 
Is overflowing with the sound.
(i) What did the poet see in the field? 
(ii) What was she doing in the field ? 
(iii) What was the whole valley overflowing with?
(i) The Poet saw a solitary reaper girl in the field. 
(ii) She was reaping and singing in the field. 
(iii) The whole valley was overflowing with sound. 
2. My heart leaps when I behold A rainbow in the sky; 
So was it when my life began; 
So is it now I am a man; 
So be it when I shall grow old Or let me die !
The child is father of the Man.
(i) How does the poet feel when he sees the rainbow in the sky ?
(ii) What does the poet wish to happen when he grows up? 
(iii) What does the last line of the poem suggest ?
(i) The Poet's heart leaps up when he sees a rainbow in the sky.
(ii) The poet wishes to see the rainbow when he grows old.
(iii) The last line of the poem suggests that a grown up man is the product of the habits and tastes formed in childhood. The tastes and habits that a child forms remain with him throughout his life.
3. I lay in sorrow deep distressed : 
My grief a proud man heard 
His looks were cold, he gave me gold 
But not a kindly word 
My sorrow passed I paid him back 
The gold he gave to me, 
Then stood erect and spoke my thanks 
And blessed his charity.
(i) How was the speaker feeling when a proud man heard him ?
(ii) What did the proud man do?
(iii) What did the speaker's do after his sorrow passed?
(i) When the speaker was in distress, the proud man gave him gold but he did not treat him kindly.
(ii) The proud man gave him gold but he did not console him.
(iii) When the speakers sorrow passed away, he paid back the gold he had given him. He thanked him for his help.
4. World you are beautifully drest 
The wonderful air is over me, 
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree, 
It walks on the water and whirls the mills, 
And talks to itself on the tops of the hills. 
(i) Who is beautifully dressed? 
(ii) What does the wind do ? 
(iii) What talks to itself on the tops of the hills?
(i) The world is beautifully dressed. 
(ii) The wind is shaking the tree. It walks on the water and whirls the mills.
(iii) The wind takes to itself on the tops of the hills.
5. A very hungry mouse who said, 
"I'll do just what I please 1" 
Snuck into a hose one night 
And stole a chunk of cheese 
He scampered down the passageway 
And thinking that was that, 
Was very unprepared to see 
The shadow of a cat. 
(i) What did the hungry mouse say? 
(ii) What did he steal ? 
(iii) What was he not prepared to see?
(i) The hungry mouse said that he would do thing which he! liked to do.
(ii) He stole a chunk of cheese.
(iii) He was not prepared to see the shadow of a cat.
6. Sometimes I feel all then inside 
Insufficient, small.
I feel when people look at me 
They don't see me at all 
I feel that all my beauty's lost 
On cold, indifferent eyes 
And offering what I want to give 
Would only be unwise 
But then a friend will greet me 
And my inner life will bloom 
It only takes but one kind word 
To sweep away the gloom !
(i) What does indifferent mean? 
(ii) What is this poem about?
(iii) What does the poet feel sometimes ?
(i) Indifferent means not caring about somebody or something.
(ii) This poem is about the beauty of life fall of bloom and gloom.
(iii) Sometimes the Poet feels insufficient, small and unwanted.
7. When the snow's falling, it looks pretty 
It looks like a big white blanket 
That covers all of New York state. 
When the snow falls
The snowflakes are all different shapes and sizes 
You always hope school's out
So you can build a snowman and have 
A grand old time.
(i) How does it look when the snow is falling ? 
(ii) What do you wish to build 
(iii) Make sentences with : Snow, Grand 
(i) When the snow is falling it looks pretty and blanket.
(ii) I wish to build a snowman. 
(iii) Snow: The kids are playing in the snow. 
Grand: That was a grand party.

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